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Cascarilla, also known as "Eggshell Powder," is a spiritual and magical product with origins in Afro-Caribbean and Latin American traditions, particularly in practices like Santería, Hoodoo, and Brujería. It is made from powdered eggshells and has various spiritual and practical uses. Here are some key aspects of cascarilla:

✨Ingredients: Cascarilla is primarily composed of finely ground eggshell powder. Some variations may include other ingredients, such as herbs or essential oils, to enhance its properties.

✨Protection: One of the primary uses of cascarilla is for spiritual protection. It is often applied to the body, objects, or doorways to create a protective barrier and ward off negative energies, entities, or intentions.

✨Cleansing: Cascarilla is used for spiritual cleansing and purification. It can be rubbed onto the skin or added to a spiritual bath to remove negative energy or influences.

✨Symbolism: In some spiritual traditions, cascarilla is considered a symbol of purity and protection. Its use is believed to help maintain spiritual cleanliness.

✨Rituals: Cascarilla may be used in various rituals, especially those involving protection, banishing, or uncrossing. It is also used in spellwork to enhance the effectiveness of rituals.

✨Altar Offering: Some practitioners place cascarilla on their altars as an offering to spirits, deities, or ancestors.

✨Symbolic Markings: In Santería and other traditions, cascarilla may be applied in specific patterns or symbols on the body as part of rituals and initiations.

✨Cultural Significance: Cascarilla has cultural significance within Afro-Caribbean and Latin American communities and is often a part of their spiritual practices.

Cascarilla 1/2oz

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