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A "Cleanse Bundle" with a Limpia 7-day candle, Mexican copal, and Siete Machos aligns with spiritual practices aimed at cleansing and purifying energies. Here's a breakdown:

✨Limpia 7-Day Candle: This candle is likely designed for a 7-day ritual focused on spiritual cleansing and purification. The continuous burning of the candle symbolizes an ongoing process of clearing negative energies or influences.

✨Mexican Copal: Copal is a resin known for its use in spiritual rituals. Burning copal is believed to purify the energy around you and create a sacred atmosphere. It's often used in ceremonies to clear spaces of negative energy.

✨Siete Machos: Siete Machos is a spiritual cologne or potion known in some spiritual practices for its protective and cleansing properties. It may be used for rituals, anointing, or cleansing purposes.

This bundle suggests a comprehensive approach to spiritual cleansing, combining the symbolic power of a candle, the purifying properties of copal, and the ritualistic use of Siete Machos. It's essential to follow any specific instructions or practices associated with these items for an effective and meaningful spiritual experience.

Cleansing Bundle

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