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A "Get Away" 7-day candle is a tool sometimes used in spiritual and magical practices with the intention of removing unwanted people, stopping gossip, ending rumors, and preventing others from bothering you. Here's how it's typically used:

Get Away Candle: This candle may be prepared with specific herbs, oils, or intentions to symbolize the desire to distance oneself from unwanted individuals or negative influences.

Remove Unwanted People: The primary purpose of the "Get Away" candle is to create a barrier or energy that discourages unwanted people from being around you.

Stop Gossip and Rumors: It's often employed to halt gossip and rumors that may be circulating about you, preventing further harm to your reputation.

Stop Bothering Me: The candle can be used to send a clear message to individuals who are bothering you or interfering in your life, letting them know that their presence is unwelcome.

Go Away: It symbolizes the intention for certain individuals or energies to leave your life and cease their unwanted influence.

The "Get Away" 7-day candle serves as a ritualistic and symbolic tool to help individuals establish boundaries, protect their privacy, and distance themselves from those who may be causing harm or discomfort. It's important to approach such practices with respect for ethical considerations and a focus on self-care and well-being.

Get Away

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