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A "Hummingbird" 7-day candle is a symbolic and ritualistic tool often used in spiritual and magical practices with various intentions related to attraction, self-love, abundance, and opportunities. Here's how it's typically used:

Hummingbird Candle: This candle may be prepared with specific herbs, oils, or intentions to symbolize the qualities of a hummingbird, such as attraction, sweetness, and luck.

Attraction: The primary purpose of the "Hummingbird" candle is to attract positive energies, people, or opportunities into one's life.

Sweetener for Self-Love: Some practitioners use it as a means of self-love and self-care, symbolizing the sweetness of self-appreciation and self-acceptance.

Abundance: The candle is often associated with inviting abundance and prosperity into various aspects of life, including wealth, love, and happiness.

Nectar of Love: The hummingbird is sometimes seen as a symbol of love, and the candle can be used to enhance romantic relationships or invite love into one's life.

Luck: It's believed to bring luck and positive outcomes, creating favorable circumstances for achieving one's goals.

Opportunity: The "Hummingbird" candle is used to attract opportunities for personal growth, success, and advancement.

Come to Me: It can be incorporated into rituals and spells with the intention of drawing specific people or opportunities closer to you.

Overall, the "Hummingbird" 7-day candle is a versatile tool that individuals use to amplify their intentions related to attraction, self-love, abundance, and various opportunities in life.


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